Helping You Level Up in Life and Biz - BabbleonBrooke

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with BabbleonBrooke, a global motivational & keynote speaker, international award-winning host + creator, and odds-defying health warrior based in Los Angeles, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

As an International Award-winning Speaker, Coach, and Course Creator, I mainly teach mindset and communication to educate and inspire audiences/students. My team and I offer several courses in both of these areas. We are currently facilitating "Stand Out Online Academy," designed for entrepreneurs, business owners, and those in leadership roles, helping them level up in both business AND life. In this program, they learn how to more easily attract their ideal clients/customers online by harnessing and combining inner strengths they are most likely unaware of. Rather than teach standard tips and trends, this robust program involves a blend of extremely high-level mindset and communication skills and is unlike anything else on the market, allowing students to work more peacefully, enjoyably, and successfully. Information can be found here.

Tell us about yourself

I come from the entertainment industry as a TV/Stage Actor, Host, and Fortune 500 Spokesperson. At the height of my career, I was in a car accident and eventually became housebound for years. Not only did my neck injury result in tremendous pain, but it also caused life-threatening complications with my breathing, so I lost the ability to speak for quite some time. I spent the majority of my 30s receiving home healthcare, being bankrupt, and being suicidally depressed. But I knew there was a reason for what was happening, which is how the "babble on" mantra was born. I would say it to myself as a reminder to "keep going." And kept going; I did until, eventually, I improved - it's a long story that I call "From Hollywood To Housebound To Healing." Now, looking at me, you would never know that I overcame such an incredible series of obstacles.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I have received honors that I'm so proud of, especially having just recently been featured in Forbes, but what I'm the most grateful for is the IMPACT. Sharing my story, and helping others as a result of doing exactly that, has been an unbelievable blessing. Receiving messages over the years about how it has saved people's lives is further proof that there WAS indeed a reason for everything I went through. I thank God every day for that.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

For me, one of the most challenging parts is wearing so many different hats. Yes, you can have a team, but even still, everything goes through you. It's a big responsibility, but definitely worth it.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Believe in yourself 100000000%. When that belief begins to fade, do whatever you must to take it back up several notches. Invest in a coach, a program, a course, a community - whatever it takes - that will BUILD YOU UP and KEEP YOU THERE. That belief will be there for the ultimate highs, making them much sweeter and keeping you going during the toughest of lows.
  2. Delegate. As soon as you can afford to bring someone on board, do so. And make sure they have different strengths than yours. I actually just spoke on this topic last week - how to utilize out-of-the-box tools to hire who you need. If you're not in a position financially yet to do this, look into programs that may be willing to assign an intern to you. This way, you can delegate tasks that are not your forte and focus on the unique strengths that make your business what it is.
  3. Always be learning. Learn your COZOG, your Communication Zone of Genius. This is a system I created and teach that allows you to work much smarter, not harder, making better use of your time. I personally recommend your COZOG, of course, but anything that helps you to have a better understanding of yourself, know yourself, DO IT. It will serve you in myriad ways, including meeting your goals more quickly. Be open to learning, always.

Where can people find you and your business?


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