Multi-Talented Entrepreneur - Ashley Hassard

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Ashley Hassard, of Shot by NYKS | Drawbox | Canadian Bride Guide, located in Toronto, ON, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

As a bit of a ‘Jill of All Trades’ - my business is hilariously a little bit of everything. As a model, teacher, photographer, editor, co-founder of a design and fabrication company, and script supervisor, my days are always very busy and always very different.

I might start my day teaching social studies, but by lunch, I’m brokering deals with large-scale brands. Then at night, I could already be on set shooting family portraits or full-on campaigns. My customers are everyone from couples looking to capture magic moments to students learning to master a subject - brands looking to enhance their marketing to films looking to keep continuity.

Tell us about yourself

For as long as I can remember, I've always been really excited about trying new things. From sports to academics and everything in between, I was always just really excited to have the opportunity to learn something new. When I got older, that zest for novel experiences never really went away, and, as a result, I found myself in a bunch of really interesting situations that all started in a bunch of really unique ways.

My photography business came about when a publication I was working with needed a photographer. We had this great collaboration lined up, complete with studios and models. We had anticipated using one of our in-house talents for the job. At the last minute, though, the photographer fell through, and so we were left with a challenge - cancel everything and miss the moment, or find a solution and seize the day. Not wanting the opportunity to go to waste, I rolled up my sleeves, made a few calls, borrowed my mom's old Sony, and, well, the rest is kind of history. My script supervising role came about in a very similar fashion. After scrolling through Facebook one night, I stumbled upon a post urgently seeking a photographer who could fill in last minute for a red-carpet event. I jumped at the opportunity to help and, after meeting the producer, became completely captivated by her kindness, creativity, talent, and genuine warmth.

It wasn't long before she approached me about a new web series she was co-producing that was looking for a Script Supervisor. It would take someone with a strong eye for detail, an appreciation for dialogue, and the ability to work independently (while also collaborating with other departments). It was nothing like I had ever done before, sounded absolutely perfect, and turned out to be such an incredible experience that I'm thrilled to be continuing to this day.

My final (and main) business focus right now is a design and fabrication company that I co-founded with my partner, Mike called Drawbox; as a design and fabrication company, Drawbox specializes in bringing innovative marketing experiences to life. Thinking outside the box, we design and build assets that really help our clients stand out from the corporate crowd. From giant parade floats to floral takeovers, commercial props, and store displays, the scope of what we create is endless, and I love the variety it brings every day. While my professional portfolio is definitely diverse, my biggest motivation has always been finding unique ways to help and empower those around me.

Every single opportunity that I've had came about because someone I knew, admired, or loved had the vision to do something great. I just happened to be one of the lucky ones who stepped up to help them do it.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Actually, make a living doing all the numerous things that I love. Coming from a generation that was told that in order to be successful, you needed to focus on one thing, and one thing only, I really didn’t even see this multifaceted future as a possibility. It takes a lot of work, a lot of time management, and a lot of flexibility, but I’m so grateful to be able to do all that I do. I’m truly so baffled that I’m continuously granted opportunities to do it at the scale that I do.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

I think one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner is maintaining momentum. As someone who’s always been a really big team player, it can sometimes feel isolating working alone. Focus, enthusiasm, and drive are definitely essential, but they’re also things that can drain really quickly if you’re working on something solo and don’t have the right support around you. It’s a huge reason why I’m such a fan of surrounding yourself with good people. Finding partners, mentors, fellow entrepreneurs, and friends who can surround you, support you, inspire you, and motivate you can really be a game-changer when doing your own thing.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be brave. Being a business owner often means stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing things you’ve never done before. While the thought of attempting something new can sometimes be scary, every new challenge will bring new opportunities, new wisdom, new skills, and new strengths you never knew you had. So don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from becoming all you can be.
  2. Be patient. Growth takes time.
  3. Fail forwards. Never underestimate the power that can come from wisdom. It’s not always going to be easy, and it might not always work out, but the key is to find value in every experience and use it to propel yourself forward.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Just to never underestimate the impact you can make. I’m a firm believer that we’re all standing on the shoulders of giants. We’re all products of those who came before us, those who taught us, those who inspired us, those who enabled us, those who empowered us, and those who nurtured us. As a result, I really do believe it’s our responsibility as business owners to try and be those people for others as well.
Empower all you can, as much as you can. However, you can. Whether that’s by providing opportunities, amplifying voices, sharing advice, offering perspective, or creating space - You never know the impact you could have or the ripples you could make.

Where can people find you and your business?



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