Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with AnnMarie Espina, a mentor for business owners with ADHD, based in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am the leading Mentor for business owners with ADHD. I help my clients who are fed up with procrastinating and being overwhelmed, and they are ready to get sh!t done! I'm also the founder of the Accomplished Mind Method (AMM), where I lead clients through a proven step-by-step process to be more focused and consistent in their businesses. Globally, AMM is the #1 program that is changing the ADHD space forever.

With over 20 years of personal experience, I have discovered how to overcome the challenges of ADHD with emotional and lifestyle-based strategies. After being on medication for over 16 years, I've even gotten to the place where I no longer use medication and no longer experience the symptoms of ADHD.

If you are ready to be more focused and consistent in your business and want to understand exactly how to finally reach your full potential, then AMM is perfect for you. This proven system has helped countless ADHD business owners overcome the challenges of ADHD the natural way. So, they, too, have days where their symptoms of ADHD are non-existent!

Tell us about yourself

I hired a business mentor when I knew I wanted my own business. I had no idea what it would be - originally, I thought I would sell planners. As I was deciding what my business would be, I had many people asking me, "how do you have so much success at work with ADHD?". So I finally realized that a challenge that I had struggled with my entire life was something that was going to be my greatest asset. I started coaching women with ADHD to help them increase their confidence. Slowly I realized I loved talking about business, so I started working more with business owners. Now that is where I am mentoring.

As I overcame the symptoms of ADHD myself, I truly believe others can learn to be more focused and consistent and reduce their experience of the symptoms of ADHD themselves without medication. My drive is to help others be free of the suffering that I struggled with for 16 years of my life!

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Every client that steps into my mentorship and completes the program is a success story. I believe my impact is greater than me. My biggest success comes from seeing the small shifts that my clients have because, at the end of the day, that is what creates awareness, and that is what creates the biggest changes long term. The changes I am seeing from my clients are not only changing their lives but changing generations! That is what excites me and keeps me motivated during difficult times too.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

The unknown. What will happen next week, next month, or next year. You never know where your next clients are coming from. But this is also one of the most beautiful aspects of life. Because you really do have to trust and surrender that the universe has your back and that your greatest desires will be fulfilled when you put in the work for it!

I love being a business owner because it is the greatest personal development journey you can ever go on. So learning to ride the waves, leaning into the unknown, and trusting are key to your success as a business owner.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Hire mentors!! I've been with mentors since day 1 in my business, and it is the reason I have had so much success in such a short period of time.
  2. Your business is a reflection of you - the more you work on yourself to release limiting beliefs and the unconscious patterns that are holding you back, the more success you will have.
  3. Make time to live your life. I would always hear people say, "it is about the journey and who you have to become along the way," but it never really made sense until I earned my first 6 figures. And then, I changed the goal to be even bigger - at that moment, I realized I had to become a different person to get to the end. And, now I get it. Your goals will always change, and they will get bigger and bigger, but it is about WHO you have to be to create that. It is an identity transformation. And, when you realize that, you stop chasing out of need - but you create your business out of desire and expansion.

Where can people find you and your business?


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