Real Food, Real Results - Angela Wilkinson

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and nutrition but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Angela Wilkinson, owner of Total Nutrition Technology, located in Huntersville, NC, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

The name of my business is called Total Nutrition Technology. We have been established since 1993. This year we celebrate our 30th year in business. We specialize in integrative and functional nutrition and medicine, with a special focus on weight loss and health management, such as autoimmune, GI issues, and food sensitivities. We also specialize in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Our customers range from their 20s to 60s.

Tell us about yourself

I started this business for selfish reasons. I struggled with my health and weight at a young age. I was hospitalized twice with an eating disorder. I had my degree in nutrition, and I still did not know how to manage my health. During my recovery, I was inspired to help teach others not only how to eat right but how to make true lifestyle changes so their results could be sustainable.

What motivates me each day, especially after doing this for 30 years, is seeing the life-changing results from thousands of others, knowing they have been taught to do this the proper way. The ultimate motivation for me is that my company also funds a nutrition center in Nicaragua. Part of our proceeds goes towards feeding over 1200 children a week. It is rewarding to see that the work we do here in the US helps people achieve their ultimate health goals and spreads to a third-world country, helping to nourish so many children. I am very grateful to all who support our company, as they play an important part in supporting our mission for the Hope Project in Nicaragua. Even on my bad days, I can wake up with purpose, knowing what my company's mission is all about.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Starting the nutrition program in Nicaragua with our company proceeds.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

One of the biggest struggles is turning it off! My mind constantly races with things I could be doing in order to continue to grow the company and keep us on top. It is a balancing act for sure, but I work hard to practice what I preach and take time out for myself.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Find a mentor! This will save you time and money.
  2. You will make mistakes but look at them as growth opportunities.
  3. Don't listen to the nay-sayers. If you can envision it, you can make it happen, but nothing worthwhile comes easy, so be patient with yourself.

Where can people find you and your business?


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