Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in business development but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Amanda Fardella, based in Scotrun, PA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a full-time Short-term Rental (aka Airbnb) Manager and run my own company. My ideal clients are homeowners and investors that own Short-term Rental properties and do not want to nor know how to run the rentals properly and effectively; that's where I come in! I have automated and scalable systems in place that allow my business as a well-oiled machine and take the management off of the homeowners' hands by keeping a portion of the revenue. My customer, in terms of my coaching clients, is women at any point in their life looking for a way to build a lucrative income stream in the short-term rental space without needing money, needing to sign any leases, or owning any property.

Tell us about yourself

I have always had a large interest in real estate, I mean, it's the highest-grossing industry in the world, and they always say if you want to become rich without needing a degree, go towards real estate! I did not have the funds for the trendier real estate avenues like Fix and Flipping, House Hacking, or even Rental Arbitrage, so Short-term Rental Management was my golden ticket to getting involved without needing money to get started. I went in on it full force, and once I got my first client, I told myself, 'wait, I just worked so much less than my 9-5 would require of me for that money..' and then it was a done deal for me. I am now a Short-term Rental Management Coach to women just like me when I first started just looking for a more balanced and high-income life without needing to work more. Women are making the transition to working smarter, not harder. I am motivated every day to do what I do for two main reasons:

  1. I love being an STR Manager, and I am very passionate about my business.
  2. Seeing my programs and courses change women's lives, both in business and mentally, is something I will never take for granted, and it brings me so much peace and joy.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My biggest accomplishment is just doing the damn thing and never giving up on myself. I am forever in awe that I was able to leave my corporate 9-5 that brought in over six figures for my own business by replacing my income with my own business in one year flat. To me, that's something I cherish every single day. Now, I help women replicate exactly what I did to make this same blessing their reality too, and that has become my true purpose in life.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Persistence and resilience. The reason there aren't many successful entrepreneurs in comparison to the average corporate worker is that it is so easy to just give up when hardship comes up. The number one factor to actually becoming who you want to be is NEVER giving up. There's plan A, and that's it, never a plan B. Having unmatched resistance to keep going and continuously level up and push through any hardship or speed bump is an underrated trait you must practice in your entrepreneurial journey, or it simply will not work out.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Just start. Getting into analysis paralysis is a one-way ticket to self-sabotage.
  2. Hire a mentor who leads the life and career path you dream of and are actively wanting to work towards.
  3. Take up practices that will massively impact your mental strength, awareness, and mindset. My favorites are meditation (just 10 minutes in the morning!), journaling (prompts to challenge yourself and reflect on what came up during your meditation), and reading (just 30 minutes a day!).

Where can people find you and your business?


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