Welcome to the Borrowhood - All Borrow

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Donya Delsouz, founder, and managing director of All Borrow, located in Irvine, CA, USA.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

All Borrow is an online rental platform for South Asian clothing and accessories. We aim to eventually be a rental marketplace for all consumer goods but for now, we're in a niche market category and absolutely love seeing stunning Indian clothing on a daily basis! Our customers are those who want to wear a gorgeous outfit to an event that they haven't worn before without breaking their bank account. We provide a sustainable way to stay on trend!

Tell us about yourself

As a society, we are over-consuming and over-producing, which is causing significant damage to our beautiful planet. There are so many products out in the world that are of high quality and not being used anywhere near their full capacity! 99% of the time, something that we may want to buy to use for an occasional one-time event is probably sitting idle, unused in someone else's storage or closet at this time. Growing up in a large family with 46 cousins in a developing country, we were familiar with this concept. To stay frugal, it was the norm for the children to borrow from each other on a regular basis and get each other's hand-me-downs. Why can't we do the same as adults all over the globe? Not only would this help reduce our carbon footprint, but it also provides us with a world of options without sacrificing our wallets! This was the thought that sparked the beginning of All Borrow and is the key motivation to continue working towards expanding into more product categories.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I would have to say launching a rental company at the onset of a pandemic! Even without the pandemic, figuring out the logistics of a rental company is very complicated. Not only are you considering the buyer's journey, but you have to consider the return and preparation journey for the next customer as well.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

The hardest thing is understanding that every day you're learning. Every day is a new challenge, and there are so many "unknown unknowns" that you can't possibly be prepared for in advance.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Work on your mental wellness! Dedicate time no matter what to take a break, go for a walk, and, most importantly, meditate.
  2. Network and find other entrepreneurs so you can all support each other in this journey. They're the only ones who will truly understand this rollercoaster ride! It is always reassuring to know that you're not alone in this.
  3. JUST DO IT! Not everything has to be perfect. Most of the time, we get so fixated on it being perfect that it ends up draining us out.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Believe in yourself, be your own biggest cheerleader, and celebrate even the smallest milestones!

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://www.allborrow.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allborrow
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allborrow/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/allborrow/

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