Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health & wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Alexandra Kreis, Founder of The Art of Loving Presence, located in Berlin, Germany.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I offer teachings on Yoga and Ayurveda through workshops, retreats, online courses, and an open membership program. My customers often search for emotional, mental, and physical health beyond what traditional medicine can offer.

They are women and men, mainly between their 30s and late 60s, who have been reading and practicing spiritual methods. However, they often have tried many paths and methods but feel that to uphold their practices or connect them to their daily activities is impossible. I bring these aspects of spirituality closer into their daily lives by aligning their rhythms and remembering meaningful micro-practices.

Tell us about yourself

My passion for natural forms of healing has come from a long-standing illness while I was a teenager. I did not find solace or help in conventional medicine and turned to more natural ways of healing. This journey continued every time I hit an impasse in my health. This is how I came across Yoga, Ayurveda, and Meditation.

After more than three decades of learning and studying these ancient practices, I will pass this on in my zone of excellence. It's what I live and breathe daily, and I love sharing. I could not imagine doing something different, like an office job or being employed. The key to self-healing and living a fulfilled life is to accept who I am. I love being my boss and keeping myself rolling - even in tough times.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My most significant achievement in moving into areas of business I did not envision for myself initially. I was a social worker and was asked to become a yoga teacher. Then I got offered to open a yoga studio back in the days when they were rare. That was a terrifying idea to me without a business background.

I studied Ayurvedic Massage, Rituals, and Consulting. I had to learn to simplify it to the degree that people encounter benefits from it at home. I usually love treating and helping. This meant passing the baton to people and allowing them to self-empower their healing journey.

My latest success is that I moved away from the general stream of understanding how to teach and guide people through 'marketing' formulas and go intuitively where the inner flow is - counterintuitive to what seems popular on the market. To trust that what I am building is flowing in the right direction. In that way, I feel like a trooper -I often go somewhere where the mainstream is following half a decade later.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

No doubt the financial flow. To invest in people, products, and marketing and get people on board.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Only chase business for money if money is your passion.
  2. Have a backup system of accountability, coaching, and family to go through the tricky bits with support.
  3. Ask yourself if you are building this with a bigger vision or just from a momentary need -the difference in financial flow will be significant.

Where can people find you and your business?


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