Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Cameron Russelle, Energy Coach & Founder of Above Club, located in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

The brand is AboveClub, and it's a men's focused brand. We currently have one offering specifically for entrepreneurial men who are looking to master their energy. Another way to look at it is to become healthier, have higher energy levels, and know where they are headed in life (goals).

Tell us about yourself

I got my start in optimizing my energy nine years ago when I first decided enough was enough.. I didn't like my body and started to go to the gym. I was a shy, skinny kid weighing 150lbs at 6 feet tall.. From that point forward, I've been on a non-stop journey of learning how to optimize my body, mind, and soul. Over the years, I became obsessed with the journey, stumbling over different variables such as nutrition, sleep, mindfulness, emotion management, gut health, etc.. which has led me to build a rather dynamic and encompassing picture of the entire makeup of our 'energy.' It can be summed up in 4 areas which I call the four energetic pillars: Physiology, Psychology, Clarity, and Environment. When you can become aware of all four and how they interrelate in making up our energy, our zest for life.. you have the ability to master your energy.. which allows you to show your best, most dominant version of yourself in your WORK & LOVE.

Since realizing this is what I love to do, and it ENERGIZES me anytime, I had a conversation with others or read books on these topics.. I knew I wanted to turn this into a business so that I could help others do the same I have. AboveClub was born shortly after. Fast forward to today.. AboveClub and my offering for men, AboveMen, has taken off among the entrepreneurial community.. I attribute this to practicing the philosophy I preach. I'm in fantastic shape (195lbs, 6'1", sub 10% body fat), have all-day energy, great mobility, a great outlook on life, etc., etc. I love what I do every day and can't wait to bring this offer to the larger men's population.. it's BADLY needed.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Starting. Too many potential biz owners get caught up with having to have all these skills and etc. Just start. You only have today, this moment. It's one step after another. Nothing more, nothing less.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Dealing with the unknown. That's also the most exciting part of being a business owner as well. As challenges come up, it's another chance for me to practice my philosophy and get better. However, you never know what it will be, so be prepared to take on whatever is important.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Just start - Don't have it all figured out before jumping in.
  2. Have PURPOSE - Don't start unless you have a clear intention with the business
  3. Have LOVE - Start whatever type of business you want, but the ones who succeed with flying colors and who make it look easy... are the ones who LOVE what they are doing every day.

Where can people find you and your business?


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