Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in fine arts but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Aadila Munshi, founder of Aadila Munshi Contemporary Art, located in Toronto, ON, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

I am a contemporary artist, and through my business, I sell my original paintings to private and corporate art collectors, interior designers, and provide work to select art galleries. I also create bespoke pieces of art for private and corporate clients who require pieces of a particular scale and colour made to fit their space. My work is original and never reproduced. I release a limited collection of new work 2 to 3 times a year, and my mailing list gets first access to new paintings. It is best to get on the list!

In my paintings, gritty urban textures and decay are uniquely juxtaposed with elegant marks and signature calligraphic forms. Conceptually inspired by street art and graffiti as powerful voices for equity and social justice, my work is emotive and deeply connected to the human condition. My abstract expressions are composed intuitively and emerge as visual representations of the push and pull between the collective human struggle, hope, and the ability to rise above.

Tell us about yourself

I was born in South Africa where I experienced apartheid, its demise, and the first-ever free and fair election, electing Nelson Mandela as the President. I embarked on an academic career at the University of Cape Town, working there as a Criminologist. While in Cape Town, I had the rare privilege to often meet the President and his contemporaries, most notably his Minister of Justice, Dullah Omar, in whose home I was welcomed as family. These legendary giants of the freedom struggle served as my mentors for years and strongly shaped my views on strength, tolerance, freedom, and humanity.

I also studied art with a professional artist for several years and have been painting ever since - some 25 years now! In 2000, I moved to Toronto permanently, where I studied more at the Toronto School of Art and established my painting practice. My values and life experiences are woven into my work and keep me motivated to voice my perspective in painting. My work has been sold in North America, Australia, the U.K., and South Africa.

I recently completed a large-scale corporate commission for The Daniels Corporation of two oversized original pieces on canvas, measuring 14ftx8ft each. These two pieces are my largest paintings to date. The artwork is permanently installed side-by-side in the lobby of The Lighthouse East Tower, 20 Richardson St, Toronto.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

As a business owner and a creative, I believe my biggest accomplishment is that I have learned to trust myself with my creative and business decisions. With a firm handle on staying true to my artistic voice, I choose with discernment and clarity what work I offer and who I partner with to help my business to prosper. It has everything to do with paying attention to an authentic inner voice. Mistakes are an avenue for growth, and every closed door makes way for a bigger and better door to open. The world of business and money-making is a noisy one filled with a hustle that may not always suit one’s artistic goals. Choosing to protect my creative perspective has helped me to stay the course confidently. It has ensured that my work attracts art collectors who feel a connection to it. I’ve learned to trust my gut, and it has served my business well.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

For me, there was a steep learning curve to realize that simply creating the art and having adequate stock was not enough to run my business. Historically, the business of selling art has largely been left in the hands of traditional galleries, and artists only had to find a gallery that espouses their work. I have learned the hard way that I must be the primary person to market and sell my work effectively and that I remain my best spokesperson. In this way, I move ever closer to a kind of self-representation that maintains the integrity of my creative voice and seeks to partner with supporters who respect the same. Getting the work seen by the right eyes is no doubt the biggest challenge. As with everything, taste differs widely, and the art world is more saturated today than ever before.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Be prepared to work hard, pick yourself up often, and be patient to reap the rewards. Accept that this may look like an uneven work/life balance in the beginning!
  2. Surround yourself with real support, ambassadors who want you to succeed, and knowledgeable mentors.
  3. Be authentic.

Where can people find you and your business?


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