For the Love of All Things Fibre - A & B Fiberworks

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Anne Goodwin, Owner of A & B Fiberworks, located in Linden, AB, Canada.

What's your business, and who are your customers?

My business is about growing, processing, and selling our alpaca, alpaca blends, wool, wool blends, yarns, and rovings. My customers are anyone and all those interested in locally sourced natural products.

Tell us about yourself

I have been a spinner and weaver for over 40 years, and I have grown and processed my own fleece animals for most of that time as well. Almost 20 years ago, I had fleeces that needed processing and was not finding what I needed in processing anywhere close to me. After much discussion with my husband and searching for equipment, I built a building and purchased my first picker, card, and pin drafter. I would process fiber in the evenings after my other job during the day. Within a year, I had so many asking me to spin yarns that I purchased a spinner and began yet another process. It didn't take long to realize that the card I had wasn't going to work for the volume I was dealing with. And so, of course, it was on to purchasing a new and bigger card. By this time, I had quit my outside job and worked in the mill full time. From then on, it was just adding more and more machinery, all the while trying to do this on my own. I have also added a complete felting line as well, both in needle felting and wet felting. I now have a room in the barn just for washing and dyeing yarns, two buildings for mill equipment, and I still need more room for the sock knitting machines that sit quietly due to lack of space.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

I would say my biggest accomplishment as the owner of a mill has been to learn to process fibre properly and build a large customer base where people know they can come to me to ask questions, whether it be regarding the processing of their fibre, or spinning, weaving, or felting. I am also very happy with the amount of knowledge I am amassing regarding repairing my own machines. It isn't like you can just call in a repair man to come to fix a 1960's pin drafter or figure out why the card isn't running quite like it should.

What's one of the hardest things that come with being a business owner?

The hardest part of being a business owner for me has been time management. I want to be able to get a better schedule of my time. I have 4 days a week to do farm repairs and run the mill. The other 3 days a week, I am out at the storefronts. One is in Red Deer at Gasoline Alley Farmers Market and one in Calgary at Crossroads Market Ltd.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Be honest with yourself about just how much time it is going to take up in your life. Do a 5-year plan and try and stick with it.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I thoroughly enjoy what I do with my fibre, and I love to help others to accomplish what they are working toward with their fibre. I will continue as long as I am able.

Where can people find you and your business?


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